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Annual General Meeting

7pm Tuesday 20th June 2023


1. Apologies for absence received from Jane and Miles Timperley, Jan Richards, Jon Ackroyd, Angela Wright and Geoff Forster


2. Minutes of the EGM held in December 2022. Minutes were proposed to be accepted as a true record by JN, seconded by JR and passed unanimously.


3. Trustees annual report.

No matters arising


4. Finance report presented by DP.

LC commented that annual running costs were typically in the order of £2000/annum. 2022/23 cost were reduced primarily because of the income from the Carnival.

Report recommended for acceptance, proposed SA, seconded JN and passed unanimously.


5. New Structure

DP summarised the reasons for the proposed changes to the structure of the Charity and how it will function. This included outlining the responsibilities of the Trustees for ensuring compliance with appropriate legislation, Charity Commission requirements and adherence to the Charity’s stated objectives and to be the ‘guardians of purpose’ of the Charity, making sure that all key decisions put the needs of the beneficiaries (park users) first whilst exercising financial prudence and protecting the Charity’s assets. The Operations group will be responsible for the general day to day running of the Park including volunteer activities.

It was proposed by JN to adopt the principle of the new structure, seconded by MN.

The motion was passed unanimously with the exception of one abstention.


6. Appointment of Trustees The following were nominated as trustees

 Julie Ramsden, Isobel Ramsden, Jon Ackroyd, Miles Timperley, Jan Richards, Steve Adair.

All nominations were accepted unanimously.


7. Membership

Following a lengthy discussion, it was agreed to abolish the Membership fee and to redefine a member as anyone registering as a Friend of the Park.


8. Operations, Annual plan and Group Coordinators

DP outlined the overall proposals for the operations groups including the annual plan and the role of the coordinators. The following volunteered for the initial roles identified by the outgoing trustees.

Bookkeeper – Dennis Palframan

Horticulture – Elaine Palframan

IT/Communications – Jeff Nutter

Maintenance – David Drucquer

Community – Lynda C

Archivist/Historical – Allan Mirfield

Health and Safety – Mags Nutter

Wildlife – Jeff Nutter (temp) It was confirmed that the annual plan would be prepared and costed by the Operations Group and submitted to Board of Trustees on an annual basis. Whilst the plan would not be an exhaustive list of all activities it would form the backbone of annual expenditure. It was agreed to circulate a summary of the new structure following publication of the AGM minutes.

9. AOB It was agreed that a Friends of the Park WhatsApp group would be created with the caveat that the group is set up in strict compliance with current GPDR legislation. JN proposed a voted of thanks to DP for his efforts in steering the group through the difficult changes.



AGM Agenda

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