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Our Projects.  

The Friends of Prince of Wales Park are interested in making sure the park is an enjoyable attractive place to visit. This needs to be done within the framework of its Grade II listing. This means anything we do must be in keeping with the Park's original state. To accomplish this we have organised ourselve into several interest areas. These are history, wildlife, community and horticulture. As you may imagine many of our projects cross all areas and some are quite specific.


The Prince of Wales Park is one of three parks in Bingley. POWP as it is known locally servers Eldwick, Gilstead and other areas of Bingley. Our work involve inviting local community groups, such as local schools, Scouts, Brownies and other associations to come into the park and enjoy its facilities


​The Prince of Wales Park is over 150 years old. It contains many significant artifacts and interesting geological features. Our work involves preserving these and also making them accessible to individuals who visit the park. Over the last year or so we have uncovered a number of "lost" structures, all of which have their own stories to tell.


​The Prince of Wales Park is unique in the area in haveing a number of "zones". Within the boundaries we have heathland, woodland and formal gardens. Consequently we have a range of wildlife ranging from deer to butterflies, woodpeckers to wood lice. Our work is to encourage and preserve the wildlife and try to ensure all other projects take this into consideration.


​There are many more formal areas of the park. These beds have been designed and planted out over the last few years in an attempt to intorduce colour to the park throughout the year. The tree cover over large areas of the park poses a particular problem when selecting appropriate plants

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