The Friends of
Prince of Wales Park
New structure new beginning
The Friends of Prince of Wales Park are a strong and flourishing organisation. They have been around now for 10 years. Recently they have considered every aspect of the way they work and have made changes to the structure to better reflect the way the charity works.
A group of 6 Trustees were appointed at the last AGM. Their role is one of governance. They will ensure the stability of the Charity and ensure that the work done follows the objectives of the Charity. They will also be responsible for finance and all documentation required by the Charities commission. A Trustee may not be directly responsible for a post in the Operations group detailed below but they are able to work within any or all interest areas.
The Trustees are:
Julie Ramsden – Chair
Isobel Ramsden – Secretary
Steve Adair -Treasurer
Jon Ackroyd
Miles Timperley
Jan Richards
Operations Group
This comprises of the following areas of interest. Each area has a designated coordinator whose role is to coordinate the activities and control the designated budget.
Maintenance – David Smith
Archive/History – Allan Mirfield
Wildlife – Jeff Nutter (Temporary)
IT/Communications - Jeff Nutter
Horticulture – Elaine Palframan
Community - Lynda Chadwick
Health and Safety – Mags Nutter
Finance/ Book keeper – Dennis Palframan
In addition to these specific areas, newly proposed projects can be considered and run by any volunteer.
Annual Plan
An annual plan is presented for approval of the members and Trustees at each AGM which outlines proposed work for the year. Additional projects will be considered as and when necessary. This will be published as soon as possible